Smoky Quartz Crystal Divination Pendulum

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How to use this Quartz Pendulum:

1. Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can focus without distractions. Hold the pendulum between your thumb and forefinger, allowing it to dangle freely.

2. Begin by establishing the pendulum's "yes" and "no" responses. Ask the pendulum a simple question with a known "yes" answer and observe the direction it swings or the pattern it forms. Repeat this process for a "no" response.

3. Once you have determined the "yes" and "no" responses, you can proceed to ask specific questions. Start with simple inquiries that can be answered with a "yes" or "no" to get a feel for the pendulum's responses.

4. Maintain a focused state of mind while using the pendulum, as your energy and intention can influence its movements. Relax and trust your intuition as you interpret the pendulum's responses.

5. Remember that divination pendulums are tools for guidance and self-reflection. They can provide insights, but the ultimate decision-making rests with you. Use the pendulum as a tool to complement your own judgment and intuition.