Palo Santo is a tree that's native to South American countries. Palo Santo wood, resin, and oil have been used for medicinal purposes throughout the centuries to help with pain, inflammation, and stress. Its meaning is literally "holy wood" and it was considered to be special, with healing properties.

Its use can be traced back to ancient times- such as the Inca era where shamans would use it to ward off evil spirits and clear away dark, negative energy. Palo Santo has been used throughout the years by indigenous peoples during smudging rituals where the wood is burned as a way to cleanse and purify the land, a physical space, an object....or person!

Today, one of the most common ways to use it is to burn the wood as an incense. As it burns, aromatic smoke is released into the air. The scent is slightly sweet and evokes a calm, comforting feeling.

Does Palo Santo work?

I believe there's forces, phenomena and natural laws at play all around us that we cannot see with our physical senses and do not yet understand.  Ancient civilizations and people who lived prior to us were very much connected to the earth and to nature. They regarded and revered Palo Santo as having these types of cleansing and spiritual properties. Perhaps they had connections and certain understandings that we have since lost. 

The western world now lives in a modern, fast-paced culture with technology rapidly advancing. There are so many wonderful things about our current civilization as it has made life more comfortable. However, the price of this gain is loss of spiritual knowledge and becoming less sensitive to energies and the feelings of our soul.

I believe sensitivity to our own spirit and the energies of our surroundings can be "re-activated" through practices such as meditation, smudging or taking time to become familiar with earth medicines. When we engage in these practices, deeper connections are made and we can become more "in-tune." 

The act of burning Palo Santo and using it to clear our space forces us to get into a mindset where we focus and quiet our mind which can be beneficial in itself. When you use the power of your mind to set an intention (such as the intention to clear negative energy) it can mentally bring you to a higher, more positive state and be very grounding.

How do you use Palo Santo at home? 

  • To burn, light the wood stick with a candle, match or lighter
  • Hold the stick downward at a 45-degree angle
  • Let the stick burn for 20-30 seconds
  • Gently blow out flame + place the stick in a heatproof dish to let burn. Or, hold in your hand and walk around your home to spread the smoke

I personally prefer to hold it in my hand and walk around my house with it burning. Once I'm finished smudging, I place it in a seashell or glass bowl to let it cool off. I also usually keep the lighter with me while smudging in case I need to light the wood again if it goes out too soon.

While burning the Palo Santo, be sure to quiet your mind and let go of any extraneous or intruding thoughts that pop into your head.  Hold your focus and set the intention to remove any energy that is not for your highest good. 

Using the power of thought alongside these wonderful tools will help clear negative energy and create a calming, positive space for you.



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